Municipal Officers:
Jeanine Tucker, Chair – term expires June 2025 town meeting
Breanna Pinkham-Bebb, Vice Chair – term expires June 2024 town meeting
Molly Schauffler – term expires June 2026 town meeting
The Select Board meets on the second and fourth Monday evenings of the month at 6:15 p.m. at the Town Office. If you have a concern that you would like to discuss, there is a citizen concern time during each meeting. If you would like to be put on the agenda for a meeting, please contact James Kossuth, the Town Administrator, at or 338-3819×6 by the Wednesday before the meeting.
Northport has a Select Board form of government, which consists of three members that each serve a 3 year term on a rotating basis. Therefore, a Municipal Officer is elected each year at the elections that are held the week before the annual meeting in June. The Board elects a chair and vice chair at the first meeting of the new Board each year.