Welcome to the Town of Northport website.
We respect individuals who visit our website and want to ensure their privacy. We do not record personal information about you without your permission. We try to only collect the necessary information necessary to respond to any email inquiries we receive, and to provide the services, security and information access for which this website was created. All files and other data accessible through this website are provided as a courtesy to allow users easier access to public information.
The Town of Northport provides documents and information “as is” without any warranty of any kind regarding their accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency. Any text, listing or link to other web pages or sites does not imply an endorsement of or any support for that web page or site, it’s organization, products, services or information.
The Town of Northport shall not be liable for any claim for damages, including lost profits, relating in any way to the files, documents, or other data accessible on or through this website. The content of this website will change without notice. Our website contains links to other websites, which may have different privacy practices from the ones described herein. Visitors of our website should read the privacy statements of other websites they visit. Our privacy policy only applies to information collected by our website. When you visit this website, no identifiable personal information will be collected about you or from you by the Town of Northport.
The Town of Northport does not use cookies to track visits to the website. If you voluntarily send us an email, identifiable personal information may be contained within that message and is subject to the confidentiality and public disclosure provisions of 1 M.R.S.A. Chapter 13, Subsection 401 et seq. This information will be considered voluntary and will be treated in the same manner as information provided in written form. Please refer to 1 M.R.S.A. Chapter 13 for more information on public records and under what circumstances it is released. By using our website, you signify your assent to our privacy policy. If you do not agree with any term in this policy, please do not use our website or submit any personal information.
If you have questions regarding the Town of Northport Privacy Policy, please contact the Northport Town Office at 207-338-3819; in writing to Town of Northport, 16 Beech Hill Road, Northport, Maine 04849; or emailing Town Administrator Barbara Ashey at administrator@northportmaine.org .
This website is maintained by the staff at the Northport Town Office.