Municipal Officers:
Jeanine Tucker, Chair – term expires June 2025 town meeting
Breanna Pinkham-Bebb, Vice Chair – term expires June 2027 town meeting
Molly Schauffler – term expires June 2026 town meeting
The Select Board meets on the second and fourth Monday evenings of the month at 6:15 p.m. at the Town Office. If you have a concern that you would like to discuss, there is a citizen concern time during each meeting. If you would like to be put on the agenda for a meeting, please contact James Kossuth, the town administrator, by the Wednesday before the meeting, at administrator@northportmaine.org or 338-3819×6.
Northport has a Select Board form of government, which consists of three members that each serve a 3 year term on a rotating basis. Therefore, a Municipal Officer is elected each year at the elections that are held on the Saturday before the annual meeting in June. The board votes on the chairman of the board at the first meeting of the new board each year.