The Northport Volunteer Fire Department is an all-volunteer department of very dedicated men and women ready to assist the citizens of the Town of Northport in their time of need. They are on-call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A large amount of time is spent each year in education and training so that they are always prepared to help where needed. Whether it is a fire, car accident, lost child or whatever the emergency may be, the Northport Volunteer Fire Department is always here to assist the citizens of Northport.
To contact Fire Chief Paul Rooney, please call 207-322-2435 (cell) or by email at The number to the Beech Hill Station is 207-338-6200.
The fire departments meets the first Tuesday of every month at the Beech Hill Station at 7:00 p.m.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Paul Rooney or come to one of our meetings.
All outdoor brush pile burns require a burn permit. Burn permits are free and easy to obtain, either from the Fire Chief, online, or at the Town Office.
The Northport Fire Department has two fire stations. There is one at 16 Beech Hill Road and one in the Village at 533 Bluff Road.
In case of a fire, it is crucial that firefighters be able to reach your house. Please see these tips to ensure that firefighters can effectively fight a fire at your house: