For the latest updates, to see if service is currently available in your area, or to sign up for service, visit GWI’s website.
Working with local internet service provider GWI, the Broadband Internet Committee has secured commitments from GWI to provide high-speed fiber-optic internet to every home and business in Northport.
Phase 1 of the project, which will include approximately half the homes in Town, along Shore Rd and Bluff Rd (south of Cobe Road), Beech Hill Rd, and Rte 52 from Beech Hill to the Belfast line, is currently scheduled to begin connecting customers in February and March 2023.
Phase 2 of the project, which will include all the remaining roads, was awarded a grant in April 2022, and the work is in the planning stages. GWI does hope to begin connecting these customers as soon as May 2023.
Fiber is coming to Northport – GWI (2021 “Phase 1”)
Fiber is coming to all of Northport — GWI (2022 “Phase 2”)

For the latest information and updates, or to sign up for GWI service when it becomes available, please see the GWI website or contact James Kossuth, the Town Administrator.
Broadband Internet Committee members are:
Committee Chair Ann Frenning Kossuth
Julian Sheffield
Brady Brim-DeForest
Karl Beiser
Bill Frysinger
For a link to the Broadband Internet Committee Meeting Agendas, click here.
For a link to the Broadband Internet Committee Meeting Minutes, click here.
Committee Mission –
To provide every home and business in Northport with access to affordable, high-speed, state-of-the-art Internet service.
NBIC Guiding Principles –
- Bring to Northport residents and businesses secure, affordable, reliable, competitive, sustainable and forward-looking Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) Internet service that meets community needs now and well into the future
- Establish minimum symmetrical speed of 100/100 Mbps, and capable of 10Gbps service, for any network Northport builds or provider Northport contracts with.
- Work with residents and businesses to find solutions where FTTP is not feasible.
Town charge to Broadband Committee (see link for original PDF).
Northport’s broadband committee is trying to get better broadband penetration into our town and particularly our unserved and underserved rural areas.
One of the challenges is that the Federal government considers Northport adequately served with broadband and ineligible for funding. The Maine Broadband Coalition has created a speed test map to correct this misconception, and your participation would help Northport families get better connectivity.
This is a very simple test and doesn’t save any information except what you give it explicitly, and Maine Broadband Coalition would like you to check back and run it more than once at different times of day. If you could participate it would be wonderful, if you could forward this to your friends and acquaintances on the back roads of Northport it would help a lot too! Thanks.
Please run the following speedtest from your Northport home as soon and as often as possible: