Are you ready to get out on your boat (it is going to warm up, right??) You can now re-register your boat online, using the following link:
Transactions that can be Conducted Online are
Motor Vehicle and Trailer Re-registrations
Boat Re-registrations
ATV and Snowmobile Re-registrations
Most Hunting and Fishing Licenses
Burn Permits
Have You Ever Thought of Helping Your Town During an Election?
We are looking for residents to assist during elections, either for an hour or a few. Elections are held from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., which makes for a long day for our election clerks. If you are interested in finding out more information on how you can help, please contact Town Clerk Amy Eldridge at 207-338-3819 X3.
Reminder of Property Tax Exemptions that You May Qualify for
This is a reminder that you may qualify for the following property tax exemptions:
Homestead Exemption
Veterans Exemption
Paraplegic Veterans Exemption
Blind Exemption
Business Equipment Tax Exemption
To see if you qualify for any of these, go to the Maine Revenue Services website at or call them at 207-624-5600. If you qualify, the form must be turned into the Town’s Assessor before April 1st in order to be applied to the next years’ property tax.
Message Regarding Town Right of Ways
A reminder to residents about the Town’s right of way on all Town roads. (This does not include Village roads or private roads.)
Depending on the width of the road, measured by the number of rods, the Town owns from the center to beyond on both sides of the road. For example, a 3-rod road is 49.5 feet wide. The Town owns from the center to 24.75 feet on both sides. If you have plantings, walls, gardens, grasses, lawn ornaments, etc., in the Town right of way, it is subject to removal when work is done in that area. It will not be replaced.
The purpose of the right of way, which is a long standing law, is to maintain the traveled area to keep it safe for passage. This includes the road itself and the sides of the road to be maintained for ditching, culvert placement, etc. When traveling on roads you need to be able to pass safely without going around overhanging trees, brush, grass, etc. If you need to pull over, you need to be able to see if there is a ditch or drop off. Hence the purpose for the Town right of way.
Thank you.
Open Burn Permits are Available Online, Again, with No Fee:
The free online Open Burning Permits through, are available again.