The Town’s Animal Control Officer (ACO) works to ensure the safety of residents and animals through communication, education, and enforcement of animal welfare laws.
The State of Maine requires that all dogs six months of age and older be registered at the Town Office every year. Any dog not licensed by January 31 is subject to a $25 late fee, charged by the State, as well as a $50 late fee, charged by the Town.
The State of Maine also requires that all cats three months of age and older be vaccinated against rabies.
The Town adopted a revised Animal Control Ordinance at the Annual Town Meeting, June 6, 2022.
Animal Control is crucial to the health and harmony of the community. The ACO takes this job very seriously and tries to do the best for the Town, its residents, and its animals. Please contact the ACO, Heidi Blood, by email or phone, at 322-3237, if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.