Road Commissioner: Amon Morse, III The Road Commissioner is an elected position with a two-year term. Please contact him with any road concerns you may have. You may reach him on his cell phone at (207) 322-3331, or by e-mail at amon_morse@hotmail.com. In order to build a driveway, you must complete a Driveway/Road Entrance Application. The application must be approved by the Road Commissioner and returned to the Town Office. There is no fee for this application. Any questions, please contact the Road Commissioner. If you are planning any work that will require excavation in any Town road, you must complete a Road Opening Permit Application. There are fees and costs associated with any road opening. Please contact the Road Commissioner. Mailbox Policy Vehicle Weight and Posted Roads Ordinance Ditching and/or Road Sand Acceptance Agreement |
Reminders about the Town Right of Way:
- Please do not park in or block the roadways, especially during the winter months when the roads need to be plowed and sanded because of winter storms. It makes if much tougher for our road crews to keep the roads cleared when they have obstacles blocking the roadways. It is also a hazard to other motorists.
- Depending on the width of the road, measured by the number of rods, the Town owns from the center to beyond on both sides of the road. For example, a 3-rod road is 49.5 feet wide. The Town owns from the center to 24.75 feet on both sides. If you have plantings, walls, gardens, grasses, lawn ornaments, etc., in the Town right of way, it is subject to removal when work is done in that area. It will not be replaced.
The purpose of the right of way, which is a long standing law, is to maintain the traveled area to keep it safe for passage. This includes the road itself and the sides of the road to be maintained for ditching, culvert placement, etc. When traveling on roads you need to be able to pass safely without going around overhanging trees, brush, grass, etc. If you need to pull over, you need to be able to see if there is a ditch or drop off. Hence the purpose for the Town right of way.