Special Select Board Meeting

Northport Town Office 16 Beech Hill Road, Northport, ME, United States

The Select Board will hold a special meeting on Monday, January 29, 2024, at 6:15pm at the Northport Town Office to discuss the purchase of a new rig for the First Responders and repairs to the Fire Department's utility truck.

Spring Cleanup

Northport Town Office 16 Beech Hill Road, Northport, ME, United States

The third annual spring cleanup will take place on Saturday, May 4, from 8am to 12 noon. Please stop by the Town Office to pick up scones from the Scone Goddess, trash bags, dump stickers, and gloves. Pick up trash near your house, the beach, your favorite walking route, or anywhere that you see it, […]

Northport Community Church Open House

Northport Community Church 35 Saturday Cove Road, Northport, ME, United States

The Northport Community Church will be holding an open house on Saturday, May 4, from 9am to 1pm, for anyone wishing to walk the property and take a peek inside the church, ahead of the Annual Town Meeting vote on June 17 whether to accept the gift of the church to the Town. Please see […]

Special Select Board Meeting

Northport Town Office 16 Beech Hill Road, Northport, ME, United States

The Select Board will be holding a special meeting, jointly with the Lincolnville Select Board, on Monday, May 20, at 6:15pm, at the Town Office, to discuss the Maine Department of Transportation's work plan for Route 1 in the two towns.

Select Board Meeting

Northport Town Office 16 Beech Hill Road, Northport, ME, United States

The Select Board has rescheduled its regular May 27 meeting to Tuesday, May 28, at 6:15pm, because of the Memorial Day holiday.

New Town Office / Community Center Project Information Session

Edna Drinkwater School 56 Bayside Road, Northport, ME, United States

The Town will be holding an information session about the new Town Office / Community Center building project on Monday, June 3, at 6pm, at the Drinkwater School. The Annual Town Meeting on June 17 will be voting whether to proceed with the project, and this is a chance to see the plans and ask […]

Community Resilience Community Workshop

Edna Drinkwater School 56 Bayside Road, Northport, ME, United States

The Climate Resilience Committee is holding a community workshop at the Drinkwater School on Wednesday, June 12, at 6pm, to discuss ways to protect the Town from and respond to natural and man-made disasters. To help guide the discussion, the Committee is asking residents to complete a very brief survey, even if they are unable […]

Annual Town Meeting

Edna Drinkwater School 56 Bayside Road, Northport, ME, United States

The Annual Town Meeting will be held on Monday, June 17, at 6:30pm, at the Edna Drinkwater School (56 Bayside Road). A copy of the Annual Town Report and Town Meeting Warrant is available here.

Town Office and Transfer Station CLOSED

The Town Office and Transfer Station are closed on Thursday, July 4. The Town Office will reopen on Friday, July 5, and the Transfer Station will reopen on Saturday, July 6.